ARV Living Lab Workshop in Palma, 23rd May 2024

On Thursday 23rd May, ARV Living Lab in Palma workshop took Place CPCC  Palma de Mallorca, Spain. One of the key objectives of the ARV project in Palma is to raise climate awareness among the population. Specifically, ARV wants to raise awareness among the younger generations so that they grow up to be environmentally friendly people. With this objective in mind, the Living Lab of Palma, ES LABORATORI, works hand in hand with all the organisations in the neighbourhoods of Nou Llevant and La Soledat, schools, libraries, civic centres, etc. The workshop took part in a meeting of neighbourhood organisations, carrying out various activities together with the Balearic Islands Energy Transition Office.

In the morning, the workshop organised into three parts:
– A game of ‘memory’ about sustainable energy alternatives.
– The creation of a ‘Collaborative sustainable comic’ where the children who participated created a story that gave an answer to the question ‘Where does energy come from?
– And finally with a workshop to see the energetic power generated by the Sun, where the children and young people who participated were able to see with their own hands the heat capacity of the Sun, melting chocolate bars with just magnifying glasses, mirrors and creating a solar oven with a cardboard box. Some even dared to heat up their snack!
In the afternoon, there was another part of the workshop was to create solar machines with lego pieces and to attract parents to sign up for the energy communities promoted by OTEIB. At the end of the workshop, the organisers showed up the virtual reality tool developed by the ARV partner IREC, so that they could see how the neighborhood’s buildings could be improved energetically. It turned out to be a very useful day of engaging the population in which we were able to bring the project closer to the population by being present in the neighborhood.


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