ARV at the ‘Webinar on Smart Buildings: Meet EU Innovators’
Event Time Event Date
12:00 pm 28/04/2022
Event Time
12:00 pm
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On 28 April 2022, the ARV coordinator Inger Andresen presented the project at the “Webinar on Smart Buildings: Meet EU Innovators -Episode 3”.


According to the European Commission, buildings account for nearly 40% of the overall energy consumption in Europe and produce 36% of greenhouse gases.

Buildings’ energy needs must be reduced massively thereby leading to an improvement in the energy performance of the building’s envelope in line with the Energy Efficiency First Principle. To that end, buildings need to transform from passive isolated elements to energy-efficient and smart-grid ready buildings, able to act as active nodes well integrated to the energy grids and other infrastructures, while answering occupants’ needs.

A number of EU-funded projects is currently developing and testing solutions that will push further the smart readiness of buildings and their interactions with the environment. They address various topics such as the optimization of energy consumption and (renewable) generation, the provision of flexibility services to the power network, improved wellbeing and new services to occupants, as well as new business opportunities and models.

This webinar gave the opportunity to meet 7 of those projects – including ARV – and discuss their key innovations. The webinar was organised by the SmartBuilt4EU project, an EU-funded project that aims to support the innovation ecosystem in the smart building value chain through concrete networking and communication actions.

Have you missed the webinar? You can watch the recording here.


  • 12:00-12:05: Introduction to the session – Karine Laffont-Eloire
  • 12:05 – 12:15: SmartBuilt4EU – Nerea Gomez
  • 12:15 – 13:10: Projects presentations
  • INSTRUCT– Irini Barbero
  • SPHERE– Eduard Loscos and Mikel Borras Morrison
  • E-DYCE– Michal Pomianowski
  • QualdeEPC– Maike Venjakob
  • BIM-SPEED– Sonia Alvarez
  • BEYOND– John Avramidis
  • ARV– Inger Andresen
  • 13:20 – 13:30: Q&A – All

[Original source]


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