How to design Climate Positive Circular Communities in five countries?

Five reports on the design of the ARV demonstration projects are coming soon, and here is a sneak-peak of the main outcomes. The overall aim of our reports is to identify the best circular design practices and strategies, to discuss the challenges and driving factors in the design process, and show how to design Climate Positive Circular Communities CPCC in different climates and contexts.

In doing this, we are answering the following questions:

  • How is the integrated circular design process different from a conventional one?
  • Which are the key environmental and technological aspects of CPCCs?
  • What are the most challenging aspects in the process and why? What should we do differently?
  • How is the neighbourhood/district dimension addressed?
  • Who are the main stakeholders/ actors involved?
  • How do we provide aesthetic technical functionality with low carbon emissions and environmentally sound solutions?
  • What are the main driving factors and barriers?
Each of the demo projects addresses the goals differently, due to the various demos’ sizes, geographical locations, local climates, and building use. Therefore, we have five reports coming out, each with their regional and concrete version of Design Guidelines for Circular Climate Positive Communities, showcased by ARV demo cases in Oslo, Trento, Kárvina, Utrecht and Palma de Mallorca.

Some of the innovations in the demos:

  • A catalogue of Integrated Circular Design solutions –Local and circular value chain; simplified Life Cycle Inventory; circular economy-based design process
  • Use of innovative local materials
  • Inside-Out system design for retrofitting of mid/high-rise social housing to Positive Energy Buildings
  • Reused and reusable components. Circular design renovation strategies
  • Circular integrated design based on swappable façades integrated RESs for building envelope retrofitting

Our high-reaching goal is nothing less than to cultivate aesthetics and improve amenities for the building’s occupants while improving the performance of the buildings in line with the new European Bauhaus strategy.

Stay tuned for the first edition of ARV integrated circular design guidelines, soon to be published under the reports section of our website.


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