Trento Community Engagement activities in Piedicastello officially kicked off!

Trento Community Engagement activities in Piedicastello officially kicked off at the end of June with a dedicated meeting at the local city hall.

The event took place on June 24th and aimed to present to the inhabitants and residents ARV’s main objectives and interventions as well as ways to involve the community over the project lifespan.

Thematic presentations were held by ARV local partners Eurac, University of Trento, Habitech and Dolomiti Energia. Two city council members were also present to highlight their interest in the project and to provide the citizens with an overview of the multiple interventions foreseen in the area after the ending of the ARV project.

More information about the ARV Italian Demonstration Community can be found here.

Agenda of the event (in Italian)

Habitech presentation (in Italian)


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