The neighbourhood – with approx. 2500 inhabitants – is a mixed-used development area including residential, tertiary, and educational buildings. Both new construction and renovation activities are taking place.
Key actions in the district can be summarised with following numbers:
1) Large scale retrofitting action in La Soledat Sud of 250 private dwellings (26 800 m²) by means of a novel Public Private Partnership mechanism. Total floor area: 191 000 m².
2) New Positive Energy social housing building promoted by IBAVI with 36 apartments. Total floor area: 1750 m²
3) New high efficiency residential multifamily buildings. Demonstration project involves two buildings with 114 + 88 apartments. Total floor area: 14 400 m².
4) Proposal of an energy renovation of a flagship heritage protected building from the 70’s modern movement. Total floor area: 16 600 m².
5) The creation of a Citizen Energy Community (CEC), a private crowd-funded, innovative mechanism to facilitate the deployment of renewable energy using available public and private roofs in the area.
6) The creation and dynamization of the Es Laboratori, as a Living Lab for collaborative co-creation to collectively achieve the goals of energy transition and social justice, among others.
Innovation cluster
Palma City Council (developer), IBAVI, Metrovacesa, IREC, AIGASOL
Key data
- A mixed used area with residential, tertiary and educational buildings
- New construction and renovation
- Floor area: 936 935m²
- Construction year: Most dwellings are from the 1970s
- District energy simulation tool
- To analyse, design, and study energy flows in the neighbourhood,
- To define pathways for Energy Transition in the District
- To assess the impact of actions
- To link the 3D Twin District models using Virtual Reality – link with Digitalisation Hub
- Community engagement and well-being
- Es Laboratori as a Living Lab
- Post-Occupancy Evaluation assessment of occupant satisfaction
- Citizen Energy Communities (CEC) Platform
- Sustainable building (re)design
- Social multifamily building with Positive Energy Buildings ambition level
- Cost-optimal solutions for retrofitting in Large Scale Renovation process
- Energy renovation of a flagship heritage protected building + testing of BIPV solutions
- Resource efficient construction workflow
- Reduction of execution time and costs is Large Scale Renovation process
- Testing solutions based on the recovery of eco-friendly local artisan industries
- Improvement of a Catalogue of Sustainable Local Materials
- Efficient operation and flexibility
- Advanced control and monitoring of shared HVC assets in multifamily dwellings
- Optimal use of comfort-driven ventilation system in social housing
- Flexible operation of a Citizen Energy Communities (CEC)
- Business models and financial instruments
- Private Public Partnership one-stop shop mechanism for the large-scale renovation of urban areas
- Creation of a Citizen Energy Community (CEC) by means of private crowd-funded, innovative mechanism to generate renewable energy using available public and private roofs in the area